Frequently Asked Questions
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PawningFrequently asked questions regarding pawns or pawning.
Visit our Pawning page, I'm sure it'll help. Further questions? Visit our Contact Us page.
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Hits: 156Well we really don't have a set list of things you can or can't pawn(save for gold & silver.). Your best bet is to bring in your item for us to look at.
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Hits: 224We don't really have a set amount we loan on any items including gold and silver. Our loans are based on your needs and we always try to loan as much as we possibly can.
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Hits: 145Because of the ever changing markets we cannot post a set amount. We base our loans on current gold/silver prices, karat(or silver content), weight, and if applicable diamond quality.
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Hits: 96Based on your item we always strive to give you most amount of money whether you're selling or pawning. We always recommend pawning. You always have an opportunity to retrieve your items when you pawn. Once you sell, it's a done deal.
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Hits: 210Our loans are for 4 months and 10 days.(additional time can be requested by visiting the store, but there is a limit to how much time we can give.)
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Hits: 124We give our customers a grace period. Have you received your notice? You may still have time! Call us today and find out! (562) 630-3055.
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Hits: 114Don't worry, you can still redeem or pay your interest. You'll have incurred a lost ticket fee, but all is not lost.
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Hits: 91Our first step when redeeming an item is to ensure there is a signature. Without a signature the item cannot be redeemed. ( we also tend to check ID's for added security.) If you accidentally signed your slip then you need to call us IMMEDIATELY! (562) 630-3055
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Hits: 81
Sure! Just sign the ticket. We must have a signed Loan Slip. As long as we have a signature on file and can verify your signature, we can release the item. If you don't have a Loan Slip the, call the store on directions on how to get items released to someone other than the account holder.Was this helpful?1
Hits: 128Can't take it home today? 10% down will put the item on hold for you. We'll set a minimum amount, as long as that minimum is met once a month it'll remain active until paid off.
Also Visit our Layaway Page.
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Hits: 114We don't like it to happen too often, but we understand there are unforeseen circumstances. Just call our store and I'm sure we can work something out.
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Hits: 92We only accept returns if the item is returned 2-3days after purchase and is not functioning as advertised*.
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Hits: 92
*Policy does not apply to new and/or sealed items.